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On the Margin of the “Crisis of Marxism” in Our Day

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On the Margin of the “Crisis of Marxism” in Our Day

On the Margin of the “Crisis of Marxism” in Our Day

This article was authored by Yashar Daroshafa and was initially published in Farsi here. Genealogy of a question The “crisis of Marxism” is one of those questions within the Marxist tradition that has been brought up by Marxists from the birth of this notion up until today due to the political upheavals and ups and downs of the theory itself. Names like Carl Korsch, Louis Althusser, Nicos Poulantzas, Paul Sweezy and others have emphasized t

Qouts of the day

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Frantz Fanon

Each generation must discover its mission, fulfill it or betray it, in relative opacity.

Silvia Federici

The abstract categories of imperialism are neither exempt from the need of a foundation, nor will the fact that they are coextensive with ordinary discourse provide them with the needed foundation.

Karl Marx


Social progress can be measured by the social position of the female sex.