To our comrades and the oppressed: The revolutionary upheaval by our daughters has entered its 4th week. Our protesting family has flooded the streets chanting “Woman, Life, Freedom,” d
Read MoreAnnouncement No.1 To the militant citizens of Marivan Your mass uprising started in protest against the tragic death of Shlir Rasouli and continued along with the protests throughout the co
Read MoreWe, the Baluch women living in Iran have suffer under intersectional discrimination and oppression day and night. The oppression, poverty, discrimination, unemployment, insecurity and exploi
Read MoreThe passionate presence of the students, these children of workers and toilers, who repeatedly chanted “we are the children of workers; we will stay with them”. Today these dear ones ar
Read MoreWe, equality-seeking and protesting women of Afghanistan, stand by Iranian women! When the Taliban took over Afghanistan, the first people who spoke against their rule, before any other p
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